Take a Journey Through Time, Karma, Redemption, and Human Destiny...
Understanding the principles of karma and repeated past-lives can lead a person to a path that resolves the mysteries and riddles of our lives including circumstances, opportunities, dispositions, relationships, trauma, habits, patterns, and life-changing events that occur for seemingly unknowable reasons yet have a root cause in the past. Karmic laws are immutable and operative processes, overseen by angels and divine guides, that apply to each human being, relationships, families, cultures, nations, and the world.
In this unique tale, the author shares certain details regarding one individual's journey over time who lived through significant events in history including World War 2, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, the Wars of the Roses, 10th Century England, the Carolingian period of the 9th century, the Turning Point in Time, the Roman Civil Wars, the Alexandrian and Graeco-Persian Wars, and the Trojan War.
The subject of this study is a part of a larger karmic soul group whose journey was influenced by the Trojan War which occurred between 1100-1200BC. This group of people, whose destinies weave together over time, are referred to in this tale as the "Trojan War Karmic Soul Group"; many of whom have led leading public and influential lives in history.
*This book is intended for an adult audience.