The Threefold Nature of the Human Being:
Thinking: Associated with the brain, the head, and the eagle.
Feeling: Associated with the heart and lungs, the blood, and the lion.
Willing: Associated with the limbs, digestion (arms, legs), and the bull.
There are 7 overall aspects to the human being as Steiner discussed in Occult Science, An Outline which include the Physical, Etheric, Astral, Ego or I, and the higher aspects of the soul which consists of 3 elements of purified and unpurified aspects. The purified aspects are the the spirit-self (transformed Astral body), life-spirit (transformed Etheric Body), and spirit-man or Atma (transformed "I"). Dr. Steiner also mentioned a "causal body" in the lecture series "At the Gates of Spiritual Science".
On Colors and Auras
Astral colors and hues reflect different things in the aura of any living being which is egg shaped and varies in size according to the individual including moods, deeds, and intentions. It extends approximately "twice as long" and "four times wide" the size of the human being (see quote 1 below). There is an objective science behind the spiritual meaning of colors that is universal and applies to all living things. Astral colors are living colors, and forces, that can only be perceived by one who possess have the ability to do so.
(1) "The color effects perceptible to the spirit eye that ray out around the physical man observed in his activity, and that envelop him like a somewhat egg-shaped cloud, are the human aura. The size of this aura varies in different people, but we may say that the entire man appears on the average twice as long and four times as wide as the physical man.
The most varied shades of color flood the aura. This color flooding is a true picture of the inner human life. As this changes, so do the shades of color change. Certain permanent qualities such as talents, habits and traits of character, however, express themselves also in permanent fundamental color shades."-Rudolf Steiner,
(2) "We have to compare the auras of various soul-experiences with each other in order to learn to understand the meaning of the color shades. To begin with, take soul-experiences shot through with strongly marked emotions. They may be divided into two kinds — those in which the soul is impelled to these emotions chiefly by the animal nature, and those in which these passions take a more subtle form, in which they are, so to speak, strongly influenced by reflection. In the first kind of experiences brown and reddish-yellow streams of color surge through the aura in definite locations. In persons with more subtle passions there appear in the same locations brighter reddish-yellow and green shades." -Rudolf Steiner,
Purple/Violet: an astral color that appears in one's aura that reflects piety, devotion, and one who immerses themselves in selfless prayer. This color is also associated with the crown chakra.
(3) " is the sign of a capacity for selfless sacrifice for all beings. If this capacity for sacrifice rises to the height of strong willing, devoting itself to the active service of the world, the blue brightens to light violet." -Rudolf Steiner,
(4) "A spiritual life combined with noble devotion and capacity for sacrifice shows rose-pink or light violet colors." -Rudolf Steiner,
Red & Rose Red: An astral color that has 2 aspects depending on the tone; one reflects a person who is selfless and acts as a service to others and the world and its opposite; anger and a sensual disposition.
(5) "Rose-red indicates a benevolent, affectionate nature."-Rudolf Steiner,
(6) "A violent anger that breaks out suddenly creates red streams..." -Rudolf Steiner,
(7) "Thoughts that spring from the sensual life course through the soul world in shades of red. A thought that springs from devoted and unselfish love rays out in glorious rose red. " -Rudolf Steiner,
Green: An astral color that reflects the earth and the sphere of activity connected to the physical world. It also indicates balance and the seeking of balance while one is connected to the earth and the spiritual worlds.
(8) "In green, man seeks to strengthen the balance between his personality to the opposites he recognizes beyond the limits of consciousness." -Assja Turgenieff, The Goetheanum Window Motifs (Translated from German).
(9) "One can notice that as intelligence increases the green shades become more frequent. Persons who are very intelligent, but who give themselves over entirely to satisfying their animal impulses, show much green in their aura, but this green will always have an admixture more or less of brown or brownish-red." -Rudolf Steiner,
(10) " expresses understanding of life and the world. Children who learn easily have much green in this part of the aura." -Rudolf Steiner,
(11) "Green expresses love towards all beings;" -Rudolf Steiner,
(12) "...feelings of injured dignity that expend themselves in a sudden welling up can be seen appearing in dark green clouds." -Rudolf Steiner,
Blue: An astral color that reflects one who is yearning for the spirit and a quest to overcome one's egotism through piety, devotion, and prayer.
(13) " is the sign of piety." -Rudolf Steiner,
(14) " is the sign of a capacity for selfless sacrifice for all beings. If this capacity for sacrifice rises to the height of strong willing, devoting itself to the active service of the world, the blue brightens to light violet." -Rudolf Steiner,
(15) "Shades of blue appear in soul-moods full of devotion. The more a man places his self in the service of a cause, the more pronounced become the blue shades." -Rudolf Steiner,
(16) "Shades of blue appear in soul-moods full of devotion. The more a man places his self in the service of a cause, the more pronounced become the blue shades. In this class also one finds two quite different kinds of people. There are natures who are not in the habit of exerting their power of thought — passive souls who, as it were, have nothing to throw into the streams of events in the world but their good nature.
Their aura glimmers with beautiful blue. This is also the appearance of many religious and devotional natures. Compassionate souls and those who find pleasure in giving themselves up to a life of benevolence have a similar aura. If such people are intelligent in addition, green and blue currents alternate, or the blue itself perhaps takes on a greenish shade. It is the peculiarity of the active souls in contrast to the passive, that their blue saturates itself from within with bright shades of color." -Rudolf Steiner,
Pink: An astral color that appears out of unselfish, spiritual love.
(17) "A spiritual life combined with noble devotion and capacity for sacrifice shows rose-pink or light violet colors." -Rudolf Steiner,
(18) "The fundamental colors of the third aura are yellow, green and blue. Bright yellow appears here if the thinking is filled with lofty, comprehensive ideas that grasp the details as part of the whole of the divine world order. If the thinking is intuitive and also completely purified of all sensuous visualizations, the yellow has a golden brilliance. " -Rudolf Steiner,
(19) "A thought by which the thinker rises to higher knowledge appears in beautiful light yellow." -Rudolf Steiner,
(20) "Inquisitiveness also announces its presence through red-yellow flecks. A bright yellow mirrors clear thinking and intelligence; green expresses understanding of life and the world. Children who learn easily have much green in this part of the aura. A green-yellow in the second aura seems to betoken a good memory." -Rudolf Steiner,
Brown/Muddy Brown:
A muddy brown from the above quotes represents lower sensual or primal impulses, or egotism, that permeates the human being thoughts and feelings. Purified forces of the soul that resonate out of an individual represent higher forces (of the spirit) that are devoid of lower aspects. Thus, any hint of a muddy brown color that can be seen in red, blue, green, or yellow tints of a person's aura represents some lower aspect.
(21) "A personal conceit that is entirely rooted in low inclinations, thus representing the lowest stage of egotism, shows itself in tones of muddy yellow to brown." -Rudolf Steiner,
Additional Quotes on Astral Colors and Hues from Dr. Rudolf Steiner:
(22) "...the faculty of cognition; and feelings are for the soul what food is for the body. If we give the body stones in place of bread, its activity will cease. It is the same with the soul. Veneration, homage, devotion are like nutriment making it healthy and strong, especially strong for the activity of cognition. Disrespect, antipathy, underestimation of what deserves recognition, all exert a paralyzing and withering effect on this faculty of cognition.
For the spiritually experienced this fact is visible in the aura. A soul which harbors feelings of reverence and devotion produces a change in its aura. Certain spiritual colorings, as they may be called, yellow-red and brown-red in tone, vanish and are replaced by blue-red tints. Thereby the cognitional faculty is ripened; it receives intelligence of facts in its environment of which it had hitherto no idea.
Reverence awakens in the soul a sympathetic power through which we attract qualities in the beings around us, which would otherwise remain concealed." -Rudolf Steiner, Knowledge of Higher Worlds and its Attainment, GA 10, Lecture I. How is Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds Attained?
(23) "In persons with more subtle passions there appear in the same locations brighter reddish-yellow and green shades. One can notice that as intelligence increases the green shades become more frequent. Persons who are very intelligent, but who give themselves over entirely to satisfying their animal impulses, show much green in their aura, but this green will always have an admixture more or less of brown or brownish-red." -Rudolf Steiner,
(24)"Where the desires are passionately bent on some goal beyond the reach of the capacities already acquired, brownish-green and yellowish-green auric colors appear. Certain modern modes of life actually breed this kind of aura. A personal conceit that is entirely rooted in low inclinations, thus representing the lowest stage of egotism, shows itself in tones of muddy yellow to brown." -Rudolf Steiner,
(25) " Inquisitiveness also announces its presence through red-yellow flecks. A bright yellow mirrors clear thinking and intelligence; green expresses understanding of life and the world. Children who learn easily have much green in this part of the aura. A green yellow in the second aura seems to betoken a good memory. Rose-red indicates a benevolent, affectionate nature; blue is the sign of piety." -Rudolf Steiner,
(26) "If we observe a man under the influence of an attack of fear, we see this, for instance, in his aura from top to bottom as undulating stripes of blue color suffused with a bluish-red shimmer. When we observe a person who expects some particular event with anxiety, we can see red-blue stripes like rays constantly streaming through his aura from within outwards." -Rudolf Steiner,
On the Planets
There are 7 planets in the spiritual solar system associated with the influences and planes of transformation of the human being, and not 9 (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). These spheres also correlate to the planes, or spheres, of spiritual activity that an individual passes through during the journey from death to rebirth, thus they are not purely physical planets that project a physical influence (in spiritual terms).
They are, in spiritual terms, inhabited by beings which possess unique attributes and unique mission. The sun-sphere is the highest plane, in spiritual terms, in the solar system and is where the "throne of the Christ" is found (refer to Dr. Steiner's lecture series "Between Death and Rebirth". Each planet/plane possess a constructive and disruptive aspect.
In the words, each planetary sphere of activity - for which the names of constitutions of the planets in our solar system are reflections - have a polarity of good and evil; constructive and potentially destructive influences and aspects. It is up to the human being to find balance, and to understand and control that these influences that perpetually flow throughout the universe.
The moon and the sun are visible in many of the motifs as opposing influences, so one may see the moon portrayed as waxing (the moon's shadow is decreasing as the Moon approaches a Full Moon) or waning (the moon's shadow is increasing as the moon darkens) in some of the windows; this implies that moon forces are prominent at certain times of the month, year, and through celestial events such as eclipses, These aspects project a hidden influence upon the human being and our affect our being .
As the planets come into conjunction or opposition with one another, unique aspects are projected onto humanity and lead to the nature of one's birth based on karma, thus leading to the deeper study of Astrology (which is widely misinterpreted and discombobulated).
To remedy the misinformation and superstition so widely propagated in that field Dr. Steiner founded and the field of "Astrosophy" which he delegated to Dr. Elizabeth Vreede who was one of the founding members of the Anthroposophical Society, and is based on the results of genuine spiritual initiation science.
On Christ, Ahriman, and Lucifer:
The Christ (Christ-Jesus): The Sun-Sphere, Freedom, Center, Redemption, Compassion, Knowledge, Light, Wisdom, Universal Spiritual Love, Freedom, and Empowerment. "The Representative of Humanity"
Ahriman: Ahriman is the leader of a vast group of beings that Dr. Steiner referred to as the "Spirits of Darkness" He is the God of materialism who leads human beings away from the spiritual aspects of life and the cosmos into division, war, profit, and a view of the universe as purely materialistic processes. The lower aspects of the Earth (or the "subsensible"), sense-based perception and feeling, and purely intellectual thought processes devoid of the spirit, and the crude instincts within the human being are Ahriman's field of activity. He seeks to rob humanity of a genuine vision of the spiritual worlds, and at the very least corrupt it, and make us dependent upon the physical world, the senses, and outer observation alone.
Lucifer: Lucifer is portrayed in Anthroposophy as the illusory aspects associated with "higher" or "lofty", which does not imply superiority to the Christ but rather an influence that pulls the human being away from one's center, and our connection to the world, and into a state of imbalance by way of the passions, egotism, vanity, false-pride, and dreamy illusions. Lucifer was responsible for the "Fall from Paradise" by working within corrupted feelings and emotions within the Astral Body; a necessary step in human evolution. This occurred during the third of seven epochs of human evolution or the "Moon Epoch" in Anthroposophical literature. Today we are in the fourth epoch and three more will follow. Lucifer is artistically portrayed in a number of ways including corruptive moon forces.
General Theme of the Windows:
From Assja Tugenieff's "The Goetheanum Window Motifs" P.39:
"World views cannot be decoded by one aspect. They speak a new language in silence, but that language falls silent when interpretations are brought to them. Try to approach these images from a different angle with the help of Rudolf Steiner's spirit words. If one brings them into line with the 'initiation scene in the Egyptian temple' from the 4th Mystery Drama), then one finds words in the instructions of the neophytes which can be signposts for the window viewing.
It's not about providing individual pictures with individual quotes. The path to purification of consciousness stands once again as a whole between the contradictions of the elements, their formative and destructive powers, which give man the basis of his earthly experience, from earthly experience through light and sound to earthly experience, to the perception of the world word. In the images of the past in the drama, the way of initiation is given in this scene; but it is in accordance with the knowledge given to our time in the color and form of the window motifs.
As the warning voice of conscience from the depths of divine existence speaks the words of self-knowledge to the neophyte at the entrance of the Temple of the Threshold Guardians: "You, semblance of appearance, learn to know yourself" - (corresponding to the red window.)
From the weight of these words, the guided student begins his way from appearance to being through contradiction, through language, which forms him in the contradiction of the elements (green windows)." - From German and translated to English through Google Translator.