Association for Research and Enlightenment Homepage (Virginia Beach, Va.):
The following selected quotes are from "readings" given to individuals by Edgar Cayce during the course of his life. They were not complied during his life as a list of mantras or affirmations, although they can be referred to that way. "The Sleeping Prophet's" readings were conducted by a mediator in a question and answer format while Cayce placed himself into a state of self-hypnosis.
The readings were delivered in response to letters and inquiries from the general public on relationships, health, the past, the future, karma, as well as health and personal issues. He as mentioned in newspapers throughout the country during his life. Cayce's readings evolved to include universal truths, facts, and details about humanity, the world, and the universe. Cayce was tested, and proved, his clairvoyant ability repeatedly and did so on several occasions in a public venue. Refer to the ARE website above for more information.
"ECRL" means "Edgar Cayce Reading Line" and "CCL" means "Contemporary Cayce Language". CCL is a recent attempt by the ARE to clarify Edgar Cayce's readings in cases where he used vernacular that was influenced by old English as was used in the King James Bible, which he read from cover to cover once per year.
- "Let that love, that beauty as was the message to the shepherds, be yours today: 'Unto you is born,' yes unto you - each one here - is given a knowledge, an understanding of the life of the Christ that will renew your life, your purposes - if you will but sing that new song, 'Love one another.'" -ECRL 262-116
- "May the Peace, the Joy of Christ Consciousness, Christ Presence, Christ Joy be yours this day. Yes, and all your days in the earth! Christ is near to you. Christ is in your midst!" -ECRL 262-103
(1) "The influence or force that motivates the life of each soul is love!" -Edgar Cayce reading 1579-1
(2) "Life is lived within self. You live it; you don't profess it - you live it. Know in whom you believe and why and then apply it in your relationship to those with whom you are in contact daily." - ECRL 5392-1
(3) "Keep the heart singing! Keep the mind clear! Keep the face toward the light! The shadows then are behind!" -ECRL 39-4
(4) "Be patient, be kind. Speak not unkindly of anyone. Let not gossip nor unkind things, either in thought or deed, be in your experience." - ECRL 262-98
(5) "Each individual must stand upon their own inner developments to bring peace or harmony. So long as any is leaning upon another, or so long as they are leaning upon another, there cannot be the full or complete control of self." -ECRL 165-22
(6) "...if the ideal is prompted by will bring contentment, peace, harmony and the like." - ECRL 1470-2
(7) "Turn within; see what has prompted you. And there will it be told from within you the steps you should take day by day, step by step." -ECRL 922-1
(8) "If you would have friends, show yourself friendly! If you would have love, show yourself lovely in the little things as well as in the mass or in the larger things. That you give, that you have." -ECRL 1265-1
(9) "For these temporal things must pass away, but that spiritual house, that temple - that cleanliness so akin to godliness - is that which lives on and on." - ECRL 262-109
(10) "All portions of the body come under varied cycles as changes are wrought. For the body fully and completely changes in seven years. Yet this is something continually going on, and various portions change at various reflex periods." -ECRL 3688-1. *Author Note: This corresponds to Dr. Rudolf Steiner's observations that the human being changes in his or her physical and spiritual constitution once every seven years.
(11) "Know that all that materializes must first happen in spirit, and the law of cause and effect ever remains. Hence in spirit it is purpose and ideal." ECRL 3412-2
(12) "And no government, no nation, no state, no city, no family - yes, no individual - is stronger than their weakest habit; the destructive forces that may in any way or manner at any time undermine if they are self-purposing." -ECRL 3976-17
(13) "There first must come peace and harmony within if you would make the experience in the earth of value to you." -ECRL 3409-1
(14) "That individuals may of their own volition choose the exaltation of self, or the aggrandizement of self's own ego, is apparent. This makes for what many have termed and do term their karmic conditions, that may then be seen." -ECRL 262-77
(15) "Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the individual in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition." -ECRL 39-4
(16) "Karma is rather the lack of living to that known to do! As you would be forgiven, so forgive in others. That is the manner to meet karma." -ECRL 2271-1
(17) "The search for God is found in yourself." -ECRL 2282-1
(18) "Thoughts being deeds breed the children of light OR darkness, dependent upon the manner in which the will of an individual, a soul, HOLDS UP."-CCL 288-27
(19) "...don't overdo and do not become a slave to habit." -ECRL 1206-13
(20) "For the love of righteousness, of truth and mercy and judgement and justice, are the weapons with which you may put all things to flight that would make you afraid." -ECRL 1580-1
(21) "It is the spirit, the purpose, the ideal with which you think, you speak, you act, that will determine what the fruit of your life, of your thoughts, will be." -ECRL 3459-1
(22) "Seek; for only the seeker may find." -ECRL 499-2
(23) "...dreams are that of which the subconscious is made, for any conditions ever becoming reality is first dreamed." -ECRL136-7
(24) "Know that all healing forces must be within, not without! The applications from without are to create within a coordinating mental and spiritual force. -ECRL 1196-7
(25) "The evasion of a law only puts conditions off, and must eventually be met." -ECRL 3744-2
(26) "Love unbounded is patience. Love manifested is patience. Endurance at times is patience, consistency is always patience." -ECRL 3161-1
(27) "KNOW yourself. Not of earthly, not of material things, but mental and spiritual and WHY!" -ECRL 830-3
(28) "It is best to be patient and quiet than to be sorry." - ECRL 3135-1
(29) "Healing others is healing self." -ECRL 281-18
(30) "Don't look back upon what might have been. Rather, lift up, look up - now - where you are." -CCL 369-16
(31) "Though it may seem or appear little, it is the little word that you may say, it is the little kindness that you may do, that is the greater service you may render in this experience - in bringing to your own self, as well as to others, that of peace and harmony and joy and hope!" -CCL 1632-3
(32) "Each soul, each person, CONSTANTLY meets self. And if each soul would understand, those hardships which are accredited much to others are caused most by self. KNOW that in those you are meeting YOURSELF!" -CCL 845-4
(33) "The purpose of each experience is that the person may magnify and glorify that which is good." -CCL 2599-1
(34) "Know that in whatever state you find yourself, THAT - at the moment is best for you." -CCL 369-16
(35) "Thus as we find in the experiences in the earth, one only meets self. Learn, then, to stand oft aside and watch self pass by - even in those influences that at times are torments to thy mind." -Edgar Cayce reading 3292-1
(36) "Love is the giving out of that within self." -Edgar Cayce reading 262-44
(37) "DO NOT jump to conclusions. Analyze ALL relationships. Hold no grudges, no feelings, because others have not applied or do not apply what you feel to be right, or you feel should be." -CCL 2074-1
(38) "To attain or gain success, to gain freedom, you must manifest same, send out same - but not in a selfish manner; rather in a SELFLESS manner as a service to those who become involved, that the involvement may be as hopeful experiences to ALL concerned." -Edgar Cayce reading 877-19
(39) "(Q) How can I best prepare for old age? (A) By preparing for the present. Let age only ripen thee. For one is ever just as young as the heart and the purpose. Keep sweet. Keep friendly. Keep loving, if ye would keep young." -Edgar Cayce reading 3420-1
(40) "...attunement, atonement and at-onement are ONE...the self-will or personality is ever at war with the infinite within - for the lack of what may be called stamina, faith, patience or what not. Yet each entity, each soul, knows within when it is in an at-onement." Edgar Cayce reading 2174-3
(41) "Think WELL of others, and if ye cannot speak well of them don't speak! but don't think it either!" -Edgar Cayce reading 2936-2
(42) "Best be active and in error than not doing anything at all." -Edgar Cayce reading 262-126
(43) "Learn to live with self and you will learn to live with others." -Edgar Cayce reading 5392-1
(44) "Individuals must first seek that they be of service. Service rarely seeks individuals." -Edgar Cayce reading 254-31
(45) "Make EACH day as SOME activity that has brought joy, happiness, to someone else." -Edgar Cayce reading 808-3
(46) "How forgiving are you? Answer this, and you will know just how you have been forgiven." -CCL 3376-2
(47) "Ye cannot pray ‘Peace - Peace’ when there is no peace in thine own heart and soul!" -Edgar Cayce reading 3976-27
(48) "Make your home, your abode, where an angel would DESIRE to visit, where an angel would seek to be a guest." -CCL 480-20
(49) "Let joy fill your heart, for the day grows in every way before you." -CCL 262-121
(50) "Don't put the material first, for you have to live with yourself a long, long while! Become acquainted with yourself. Know yourself and the relationship to the Creative Forces." -Edgar Cayce reading 3484-1
(51) " one gives, so may one have. For the soul only possesses that it has given." -Edgar Cayce reading 341-44
(52) "...refrain from making or drawing comparisons as to others and thus belittling self." -Edgar Cayce reading 1792-2
(53) "For all prayer is answered. Don't tell God how to answer it." -Edgar Cayce reading 4028-1.
(54) "But keep in a better mental attitude, of not only being good but good FOR something - in counsel, in advice, in association. Speak well of self and better of others." -Edgar Cayce reading 2843-3
(55) "Shadows and doubts and fears will arise in thy experience, but keep before thee the light of all good consciousness..." -Edgar Cayce reading 262-121
(56) "There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us." -Edgar Cayce reading 3063-1
(57) "Pray often for those who have passed on. This is part of your consciousness. It is well. For, God is God of the living." -CCL 3954-1
(58) "The greater individual is the one who is the servant to all. And to conquer self is greater than taking many cities." --Edgar Cayce reading 3253-2
(59) "First, find self. Look within. Know thy ideal. Love justice, mercy, peace, and pursue it." -Edgar Cayce reading 2530-1
(60) "Keep the face toward the light...and the shadows fall behind." -Edgar Cayce reading 1188-3
(61)"The purpose for each soul's entrance is to complete a cycle, to get closer to the Infinite, that it may know the purposes with the entity in the earth." -Edgar Cayce reading 3131-1
(62) "Be GLAD you have the opportunity to be alive at this time." -Edgar Cayce reading 2376-3
(63) "All do not think alike. All approach to their own concept." -Edgar Cayce reading 3459-1
(64) "Fear is the greatest destructive force to humanity's intelligence." -CCL 101-1
(65) "It is the MOVEMENT of spirit upon things that do not appear that has brought into being the things that DO appear." -Edgar Cayce reading 1486-1
(66) "Keep yourself unspotted from condemnation of yourself, and these will bring harmony in your experience." -CCL 2583-1
(67) "God is God of all, not just a chosen few." -Edgar Cayce reading 2402-2
(68) "For ye are a part of the whole experience, and ye add to or detract, according to thy own attitude." -Edgar Cayce reading 1467-16
(69)"Make the earth a better place in which to live." -Edgar Cayce reading 4047-2
(70) "As you behold the face of your friend, of your neighbor, of your foe, yes your enemy, you behold the image of your Savior." -CCL 262-103
(71) "The law of cause and effect is as the law of time and space - for cause and effect are one, and each creates its own recompense by the application of same, and in the application of any law (which is love - law being love, LOVE being law) the truth, the effect, the cause is seen." -Edgar Cayce reading 2842-2
(72) "Each soul entering the material experience does so for those purposes of advancement towards that awareness of being fully conscious of the oneness with the Creative Forces." -CCL 2632-1
(73)"Thoughts are deeds. Do not be other than optimistic." -Edgar Cayce reading 793-2
(74) "Do not look for success in dollars and cents and not in the spiritual life, for first ADD the spiritual life and TRULY all these things will be added unto you." -Edgar Cayce reading 1982-2
(75) "Worry is harder on the body than the lack of rest." -Edgar Cayce reading 1236-1
(76) "Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of a person. The record is God's book of remembrance." -CCL 1650-1
(77) "In Wisdom you will not find fault. In Wisdom you will not condemn any. In Wisdom you will not cherish grudges." -CCL 262-105
(78) "Let your light so shine that others seeing your good work may take hope again." -CCL 254-101
(79) "No circumstance, no happening, no flower, no metal, nothing occurs save by the grace of God." -Edgar Cayce reading 3351-1
(80) "For what one sows that must one reap. This is an unchangeable law. Know that this law may be turned into law of grace and mercy by the individual, through living and acting in their lives in relationships to others." -CCL 5233-1
(81) "What is light? That from which, through which, in which may be found all things, out of which all things come. Thus, the first of everything that may be visible, in earth, in heaven, in space, is of that light - IS that light!" -Edgar Cayce reading 2533-8
(82) "Thought is the builder, but spirit is the motivating force. What spirit do you entertain? If it be of God, it can not fail." -Edgar Cayce reading 3351-1
(83) "Don't look back upon what might have been. Rather, lift up, look up - now - where you are." -CCL 369-16
(84) "All healing, mental or material, is attuning each atom of the body, each reflex of the brain forces, to the awareness of the divine that lies within each atom, each cell of the body." -Edgar Cayce reading 3384-2
(85) "TRY in your own life, that you do not speak for ONE WHOLE DAY unkindly of any; that you do not say a harsh word to any, about any; and see what a day would bring to you the next lesson, HAPPINESS." -CCL 262-106
(86) "Set your own house in order. Be the channel of blessing to someone each day. And thus, you may come to know a new light that shines out from all light." -CCL 3213-2
(87) "...friendship, as love, as the is INDEED as the bright and morning star, the lily of the valley, the rose of Sharon; that which brings peace and harmony and JOY in the experience of others!" -CCL 1096-1
(88) "There are immutable laws, and those must be met according to the CHOICE and the DOING! For it is MOVEMENT, ACTIVITY, that brings anything into being." - Edgar Cayce Reading 1580-1
(89) "Don't get mad and don't cuss a body out mentally or in voice. This brings more poisons than may be created by even taking foods that aren't good."
-Edgar Cayce reading 470-37
(90) -"Know that it is not all just to live - not all just to be good, but good FOR something; that you may fulfill that purpose for which you have entered this experience." -ECRL 2030-1
(91) "As has been given from time immemorial, seek to know yourself. Not as an egotist but the ego within oneself, the I AM consciousness." -ECRL 440-20. *Author's note: One of the nuances that Dr. Rudolf Steiner brings to light in his works is the difference between the seeking of "selfhood" and "egotism." One of the tasks of the Christ impulse is freedom and selfhood for each individual which are the highest aspects of the spirit that is a part of the brotherhood of humanity and the universe...but not egotism, which is the gratification of the lower aspects of the soul.
(92) "Be GLAD that you have the opportunity to speak a word to your friend, your neighbor, your brother. You may arouse that hope within as to make this experience in this material world worthwhile." -ECRL 281-56
(93) "You cannot know happiness unless you experience that ye have brought happiness, hope, joy, into the life of another." -ECRL 412-9
(94) "Breathe in, especially through the right nostril, exhaling through the mouth - at least three times. Then three times through the left nostril and exhaling through the mouth. These repeated in the evening would be well." -Edgar Cayce reading 1861-10.
(95) "For thoughts are things, and the Mind is the Builder." -Edgar Cayce reading 281-39
(96) "There are no short cuts in patience. There are no short cuts in time or space, when conceived in the mental and spiritual aspect." -Edgar Cayce reading 2771-1
(97) "Know that each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may be run away from. MEET it NOW!" -Edgar Cayce reading 1204-3
(98) One fed upon spiritual things becomes a light that may shine from and in the darkest corner. One fed upon the purely material will become a Frankenstein that is without a concept of any influence other than material or mental. -Edgar Cayce reading 262-20
(99) "Great are your abilities. Great are your hopes. So, too, great are your RESPONSIBILITIES! For of those to whom much is given is much required." -ECRL 262-121
(100) "Know yourself first. Know your own abilities. Don't assert that you know something and don't, but you usually DO! Don't allow others to talk you out of decisions you have reached." -ECRL 3018-1
(101) "Enter into the work with a humble heart, and with the joy of the labor, and the peace and the blessings of many will come to you." -ECRL 900-16