The following verses and meditations are from verses collected under the title "Mantric Sayings and Meditations (1903-1925)" delivered by Dr. Rudolf Steiner during his life by way of letters written to individuals, notes from his journals, lectures, and for funeral orations. Some meditations and mantras were written individually as letters to loved ones so that they could carry on their relationships with those who had died. The page numbers and links are provided for reference.
"Christ, the Sun-Love-Word
Lives in the ray of light*
That permeates my eye.*
And may Christ live
In my whole being,
And with my whole being
May I live in Christ." -Rudolf Steiner, P68, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
*Author's Note: I replaced the word "beam" in the original translation with "ray". I also replaced "penetrate" with "permeate". All of Dr. Steiner's works were translated from German as he did not speak English. It is also inevitable that all translators proceed based on their knowledge and experience, but inevitably different translations exist. For example, there are over 900 English translations of the Bible that have been created since 1526.
If I minor updates were made by me in the verses below, they have been notated.
"Out of the light-filled heights of the spirit
May God's bright light shine
In human souls
Who wish to seek
The grace of the spirit
The power of the spirit
The being of the spirit." -Rudolf Steiner, Mantric Sayings and Meditations, P272
Imagine face of loved one.
Imagine hands touching.
"Come, soul, to me,
I am waiting.
Come into my thoughts,
They are waiting.
Come into my feelings,
They are waiting.
My I is waiting." -Rudolf Steiner, P207, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
"May my soul follow you into the spirit realm.
Follow you with the love
It was able to nurture in the earthly realm
When my eye could still see you,
May the heat and the cold be eased for you,
Thus we live united
Not separated by the gates of the spirit." -Rudolf Steiner, P199, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
*Note: Dr. Steiner spoke about how many people who, when we pass through the gate of death, can suffer from "thirst", "heat", and "cold" depending on the nature of our lives and the obstacles we have to overcome during the initial years of transformation. Thus, he spoke of lessening the effects of spiritual "cold" and "heat", which is a soul experience on the astral plane, or spiritual realm, which we can help to bring into balance through love, and mantras and meditations such as these.
"May my love
Be sacrificially woven
Into all of the protective sheaths
That surround you-
Cooling all warmth,
Warming all coldness-
Life carried by love
Light-gifted, upward!" -Rudolf Steiner, P195, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"To you who reside in the realm of the spirit,
May my love follow you,
May it follow you in your coldness,
May it follow you in your heat,
May it faithfully carry with you
What in your soul is to be carried
I, with you." -Rudolf Steiner, P214, Mantric Sayings and Meditations (language slightly modified by the author).
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"Soul in soul land,
Seek Christ's mercy
That brings you help,
Help from spirit lands
That grants peace even to those spirits
Who would despair
Lacking peace in earthly experience." -Rudolf Steiner, P218, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"To you
In love
On the paths of Christ
Seek my heart
In my thoughts
As I in your soul." -Rudolf Steiner, P207, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"Into the fields of spirit I will send
The faithful love we found on earth
To bind soul with soul
Loving, you should find my thinking
If from the bright lands of spirit seeking
You turn your soul
To behold what you seek in me." -Rudolf Steiner, P201, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"May heart-love reach to soul-love
Love's warmth stream to spirit's light
Thus I draw near to you
Thinking spiritual thoughts with you
Feeling cosmic love in you
Willing in spirit through you
Weaving unity of experience." -Rudolf Steiner, P205, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"May my soul's love stride toward you
May my love's understanding stream toward you.
May they carry you
May they hold you
In the heights of hope,
In the spheres of love." -Rudolf Steiner, P213, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"I was united with you.
Remain united with me.
We will speak together
In the speech of eternal being.
We will be active
There, where deeds produce effects,
We will weave in the spirit,
There, where human thoughts are woven
In the WORD of eternal thoughts." -Rudolf Steiner, P223, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"No barrier can separate
What united in the spirit
The light-shining
Eternal soul-bond.
Thus, I am in your memory
Thus, are you in mine." -Rudolf Steiner, P223, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
Part 1: Mornings:
Imagine the Sun. The sun sounding tones in the heart:
"Christ is with you
He fills your heart.
Christ is in you
He fills your soul.
Christ is around you
He fills your spirit.
Feel him."
Wait Quietly
Part 2: Evenings
Imagine the world of the stars against a blue sky.
"My I will be
In spirit-filled space
It will have left
Its physical body
It will weave
In the spirit of God
Filled with Strength" -Rudolf Steiner, P206, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
"Whatever happens to you
In the course of time and worlds
My loving heart
With all of its forces
Will be with you
Helping." -Rudolf Steiner, P206, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"With you
My soul seeks you,
Presciently divining
Is with you,
And lives in your task
With you,
So we are united
Karmically for all time." -Rudolf Steiner, P196, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"You to whom my love is streaming
May your warmth cool you
May your cold warm you
May my love's fidelity
See in the spirit
To your spirit future
Out of my heart forever." -Rudolf Steiner, P196, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"May there be sent to you
My love just as it was
When you were here with me.
May it ease your heat
May it ease your cold
So that you can find your way
From the soul into the spirit realm" -Rudolf Steiner, P197, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
*The "Soul Realm" refers to the initial stage of transition that each soul passes through after death. Dr. Steiner referred to this phase of purification, and transformation, after death as "Kamaloca" while in the Bible it is referred to as "Purgatory". After a soul completes its transformation during that period, which can be a difficult transition, then it moves on to the "Spirit Realm", "Spirit Land", and "Devachan", which in the Bible is referred to as "Heaven". Dr. Steiner observed that, on average, Kamaloca lasts about 1/3 of the number of years that the individual lived on earth.
"That the eyes of your soul may see
The deeper force in my thoughts
Thus is my will.
May my will meet your will
In the strength of the Father
In the Mercy of the Christ
In the light of the spirit." -Rudolf Steiner, P209, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
"May my love be with you in the spirit realm.
May your soul be found
By my seeking soul.
May your cold be lessened
And your heat be soothed
By my thinking of your being.
May we thus be bound together
I with you
And you with me." -Rudolf Steiner, P215, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
Think of him or her (the focus of your prayer) throughout the given meditation (picturing them as vividly as possible).
Bearer of the World's Word
May my soul
Be directed
Opening itself to YOUR
Portal of Grace,
To Your
Gate of Love;
Send the Spirit
Who bears
YOUR Word's
Your Word's
Warmth of Love
Your Word's
Heart Power
Into my Soul."-Rudolf Steiner, P304, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
“Into cosmic distances I will carry
My feeling heart, so that it grows warm
In the fire of the holy forces working;
Into cosmic thoughts I will weave
My own thinking, so that it grows clear
In the light of eternal life-becoming;
Into depths of soul I will sink
Devoted contemplation, so that it grows strong
For the true goals of human activity.
In the peace of God I strive thus
Amidst life’s battles and cares
To prepare myself for the higher Self;
Aspiring to work in joy-filled peace,
Sensing cosmic being in my own being,
I seek to fulfill my human duty;
May I live then in anticipation,
Oriented toward my soul’s star
Which gives me my place in spirit realms.” -Rudolf Steiner
"Peace, lead my seeking soul
In its searching for the good.
Truth, lead my striving soul
In its striving for the light.
God in me, lead myself
In all searching
For light, love, and knowledge." -Rudolf Steiner, Soul Exercises (1904-1924)
"In feelings of the need for YOUR mercy,
Christ-light of the world, I hope for and await
opening the portals of the soul
For YOUR illumination
I will be still within myself
and thank YOU for YOUR gift
and give it
as YOUR gift to humankind
An instrument of YOUR word
will I be
with my soul's
best powers
true depths
stillest reverences." -Rudolf Steiner, P303, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
"In the expanses of the universe
The force bestirred itself
That gave my soul existence.
Sensing this I will remember this force
Trustingly I hope for it
May it bring me the light
That always lights my life."-Rudolf Steiner, Soul Exercises (1904-1924)
"To the bright light of the sun
Streams from the heights
And spirit forces live
In the sunshine’s light
The warmth of the heart
Lives within the human being
And soul forces stream
From the warmth of the heart.*
In the spirit of the sunlight
God’s wisdom presides
In the warm power of the heart
May the soul’s love preside." -Rudolf Steiner, Soul Exercises (1904-1924).
*The translation I used on this verse from "Soul Exercises" uses "warm chamber" which I replaced with "warmth".
"May wisdom shine through me.
May love grow within me,
May strength penetrate me.
That in me may arise
A helper of humankind
A servant of sacred things
Selfless and true." - Rudolf Steiner
"Great exalted spirit
You who fill the vastness of the worlds
who dip into the soul's foundations
Fill our place of work
Fill our seeking souls
Strengthen our will
Warm our feeling
Purify our thinking
Now and evermore." -Rudolf Steiner, P267, Mantric Sayings and Meditations
"To you
In love
On the paths of Christ
Seek my heart
In my thoughts
As I in your soul." -Rudolf Steiner, P207, Mantric Sayings and Meditations (for a mother after the death of her small child, June 1921)
"I see in the pure rays of light
The Godhead of the world;
In love to all beings radiates the divinity of my soul.
I live in the Godhead
And find myself again
In the Godhead of the world." -Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Classes, Lesson 32
"Oh, God, Who wills to redeem me,
For Your Love's sake I must follow you.
Show me the way
And I'll tread in Your footsteps,
Because Jesus Christ, You Son,
Patiently leads me on the path of redemption.
Death He has suffered for me,
And the young dawn blossoms for us." -The Bridge Over the River, After Death Communications of a Young Artist Who Died in World War I, P 59.
"The roof upon your house
Is blessed.
Roses are growing upward on the walls...
And eyes of longing are gazing
From the windows.
Wait a while!
Open your hearts to the waves
of Divine Grace,
And a light will be enkindled for you
That will never be extinguished
It brightens your works by day,
And your experiences by night.
Thus Divine Light embraces you
And you are resting protected in His lap.
The Lord Blesses you." -The Bridge Over the River, After Death Communications of a Young Artist Who Died in World War I, P 41.
"The currents of love are immense
That surge through you, oh man,
Son of God!
Father of light and love,
Ruler of death are You
And tranquility.
Inconceivable is Your might, and
You gave of it to me.
And now I conceive fully your might,
That watches over me.
Now I can endure, even
Through the world should crumble.
Only this thought survives:
I am - You are!" -The Bridge Over the River, After Death Communications of a Young Artist Who Died in World War I, P 25.
"May my soul bloom
In love for all existence
May my spirit live
In the soul of being
May self rest
In the world's divinity
So will I be."
"I will stir myself
To be in the world's divinity
May my self rest within it
May my spirit live
In the soul of being
May my soul bloom
In love for all existence
Wisdom in spirit."
-Rudolf Steiner, “Start Now!: A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises : Meditation Instructions, Meditations, Exercises, Verses for Living a Spiritual Year, Prayers for the Dead & Other Practices for Beginning and Experienced Practitioners”, by Christopher Bamford, 2004, p.124, PDF On Google:
Mabel Collins “Light on the Path"
"In the book Light on the Path, there are four sentences which may be employed in meditation and inner concentration. They are very ancient and have been used for centuries by Initiates. Their meaning is profound and many-sided.
-Before the eyes can see, they must be incapable of tears.
-Before the ear can hear, it must have lost it's sensitiveness.
-Before the voice can speak in the presence of the masters, it must have lost the power to wound.
-Before the soul can stand in the presence of the masters, its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart.
These four sentences have magical power. But we must bring them to life within us, we must love them as a mother loves her child. " -Dr. Rudolf Steiner, An Esoteric Cosmology, Lecture VI, Yoga In East and West II,
"I am surrounded by the pure white light of the Christ.
Nothing but good can come to me.
Nothing but good shall go from me.
I give thanks." - The Astara Affirmation
"...A morning meditation that consists of the following.
One raises one's feeling to the higher self. It's less a matter of telling oneself something theoretically about the higher self, and more of feeling in a very vivid way that one has a higher nature in one. One imagines that the ordinary self surrounds this higher nature like a shell, so that the latter is present in the lower self like its kernel. After developing such a feeling one says the following prayerfully (not aloud, but in thought) to the “higher self”:
More radiant than the sun
Purer than snow
Subtler than the ether
Is the Self
The Spirit of my heart
I am this Self
This Self am I.
As one says this to oneself quite exactly no other idea should mix in. One should only feel that one's soul-gaze is directed towards the higher self. One gradually feels a wonderful strengthening going out from the above words. One feels as if one were lifted out of oneself, and eventually as if one had gotten wings. This is the beginning on which one then builds further. This should last 2–3 minutes." -Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Lessons I, GA 266 Number 1,