Archangel/Time-Spirit: Michael.
Regency Cycle: Began 1879. Will Continue for 300-400 Years.
Day of the Week: Sunday
Spiritual Exercise: Right Judgment. Take action only after fully reasoned deliberation. All unthinking behavior and trivial actions should be kept under observation and away from the soul. One should always have well-weighed reasons for everything. Abstain from doing anything for which there is no significant reason.
Organ: Heart
Process: Harmony / Balance
Color: White
Metal: Gold
Tree: Ash
*The mission of the Archangel Michael factors heavily into the disposition and mission of the Anthroposophical Society; indeed with all of those who seek a true vision of the spirit. Unlike other religious or philosophical viewpoints, which tend to be ambiguous, Dr. Rudolf Steiner was able to provide deep and specific insights into Michael and his mission in the modern world.
(1) " intensely into the spiritual being of man...he is the administrator of the Cosmic Intelligence." -Steiner, Rudolf. Karmic Relationships, Volume III,
(2) "Michael, and with him those who are the Michael spirits even among men, continues to take this stand: I am the Ruler of the Intelligence. And the Intelligence must be so ruled that there shall not enter into it any illusion nor false fantasy, nor anything that would restrict the human being to a dark and vague and cloudy vision of the world." -Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships, Volume 3, Lecture 8
(3) "And every time a Michael Age returned, it happened upon earth too that Intelligence as a means to knowledge became not only cosmopolitan as I have already said, but became such that men were filled through and through with the consciousness: We can after all ascend to the Divinity."
-Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships, Volume 3, Lecture 8
(4) "...the Being whom we may call Michael, and who belongs to the Hierarchy of the Archangels — whatever name we may give him — this Being does exist. There are many Beings of the same hierarchical rank, but this particular Being who is known esoterically by the name of Michael is as superior to his companions as the Sun is to the planets — Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and so on.
He — Michael — is the most eminent, the most significant Being in the Hierarchy of the Archangels. The ancients called him the ‘Countenance of God’. As a man reveals himself by his gestures and the expression of his countenance, so in ancient mythology Jehovah was understood through Michael." -Rudolf Steiner, Occult Science and Occult Development, Lecture II, Christ at the Time of the Mystery of Golgotha and Christ in the Twentieth Century, May 2, 1913.;mark=135,36,45#WN_mark
(5) "Now that the Intelligence will be down among men upon the earth, having fallen from the lap of Michael and from his hosts, — now in this new Age of Michael, men will have to become aware of the way of their salvation. They must not allow their Intelligence to be overcome by sinfulness; rather must they use this age of Intelligence to ascend to the spiritual life in purity of Intelligence, free from all illusion." -Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships, Volume 3, Lecture 8
(6) "This indeed is the time of great decisions — the great crisis to which the sacred books of all time have referred — for in reality the present age is meant. Such indeed is the peculiar nature of the Michael impulses: they are fraught with great decisions, and they become decisive especially in this our age." -Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships, Volume 3, Lecture 9
(7) "Michael is a Spirit filled with strength, and he can only make use of thoroughly brave men, men full of inner courage." -Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships, Volume 3, Lecture 9
(8) "...a great change took place in the last third of the nineteenth century with respect to the life of human thought. Before that time man could only feel how thoughts formed themselves in his own being; from the time indicated he is able to raise himself above his own being; he can turn his mind to the Spiritual; he there meets Michael, who proves his ancient kinship with everything connected with thought.
He liberates thought from the sphere of the head; he clears the way for it to the heart; he enkindles enthusiasm in the feelings, so that the human mind can be filled with devotion for all that can be experienced in the light of thought. The Age of Michael has dawned. Hearts are beginning to have thoughts; spiritual fervour is now proceeding, not merely from mystical obscurity, but from souls clarified by thought. To understand this means to receive Michael into the heart.
Thoughts which at the present time strive to grasp the Spiritual must originate in hearts which beat for Michael as the fiery Prince of Thought in the Universe." -Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, GA 26, At the Dawn of the Michael Age.
(9) "The spiritual Being who from the beginning directed his gaze towards mankind is Michael. He so orders the divine activities that in one part of the Cosmos mankind may exist. And his own activity is of the same nature as that which is revealed later in man as intellect; but this intellect is active as a force that streams through the Cosmos, ordering ideas and giving rise to actual realities. In this force Michael works. His office is to rule the cosmic intellectuality. And he wills the further progress in his domain, which consists in this: — that which works as intelligence throughout the whole Cosmos should later become concentrated within the human individuality.
As a result the following takes place: — there comes a time in the evolution of the world when the Cosmos subsists no longer on its own present intelligence, but on the cosmic intelligence belonging to the past. For the present intelligence must then be sought in the stream of human evolution. What Michael desires is to keep the intelligence, which is developing within humanity, permanently in connection with the Divine-Spiritual Beings." -Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, GA 26, Section 5. The Experiences of Michael in the Course of His Cosmic Mission
(10) "...the Michael Mission is one of those that are repeated again and again in rhythmical succession in the cosmic evolution of mankind. In its beneficial influence on earthly mankind it was repeated before the Mystery of Golgotha. It was connected in that time with all the active revelations which the Christ-Force — as yet external to the Earth — had to pour down to the Earth for the unfolding of mankind. After the Mystery of Golgotha, the Michael Mission enters the service of what must now be achieved in earthly humanity through Christ Himself.
In its repetitions, the Michael Mission now appears in a changed and ever-progressing form. The point is that it appears in repetitions. The Mystery of Golgotha, on the other hand, is an all embracing World-event, taking place once only in the whole course of the cosmic evolution of mankind." -Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, GA 2, Section 14. A Christmas Study: The Mystery of the Logos
On the Sun:
(11) "In the midst of all these deeds and impulses of the planetary individualities stands the Sun, creating harmony between the liberating and the destiny-determining planets. The Sun is the individuality in whom the element of necessity in destiny and the element of human freedom interweave in a most wonderful way. And no one can understand what is contained in the flaming brilliance of the Sun unless he is able to behold this interweaving life of destiny and freedom in the light which spreads out into the universe and concentrates again in the solar warmth. Nor can we grasp anything essential about the nature of the Sun as long as we take in only what the physicists know of it.
We can grasp the nature of the Sun only when we know something of its nature of spirit and soul. In that realm, it is the power which imbues with warmth the element of necessity in destiny, resolves destiny into freedom in its flame, and if freedom is misused, condenses it once more into its own active substance. The Sun is as it were the flame in which freedom becomes a luminous reality in the universe; and at the same time the Sun is the substance in which, as condensed ashes, misused freedom is molded into destiny — until destiny itself can become luminous and pass over into the flame of freedom." -Rudolf Steiner, The Spiritual Individualities of the Planets, GA 228,
(12) "It is the duty of the investigator into the spiritual world to draw the attention of humanity to the spiritual fact that Michael has taken over the spiritual guidance of human affairs. Michael does what he has to do in such a way that he does not thereby wield an influence over human beings; but they may follow him in freedom, in order with the Christ power to find the way out of that sphere of Ahriman which they were obliged to enter." -Rudolf Steiner,
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, GA 26, 4. Michael's Task in the Sphere of Ahriman
(13) "It is the task of Michael to lead man back again, on paths of Will, whence he came down when with his earthly consciousness he descended on the paths of Thought from the living experience of the Supersensible to the experience of the world of sense." -Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, GA 26
Section 3. The Way of Michael, and What Preceded It,
(14) "The rulership of Gabriel is characterised by the fact that his impulses enter strongly into the physical bodily nature of man. Michael, on the other hand, works intensely into the spiritual being of man. You can tell this from the very fact that he is the administrator of the Cosmic Intelligence. But Michael's impulses are strong and powerful. Taking their start from the spiritual, they work through and through the human being. They work into the spiritual, thence into the soul-nature, and thence again into the bodily nature of man.
Now in the karmic connections of life, these super-earthly forces are constantly at work. Beings of the higher Hierarchies are working with man and upon him. It is thus that the karma of a man takes shape. And so it is with the Michael-forces. Working as they do upon the whole human being, they work also very strongly into his karma. Gabriel-forces work only very little — I do not say not at all — but very little into the essential karma of a human being. Michael-forces on the other hand work very strongly into his karma.
If, therefore, certain human beings — and this in the last resort applies to you all, my dear friends — if certain human beings are especially connected with the stream of Michael, their individual karmas can only be understood when thought of in connection with the stream of Michael.
Now Michael is a Spirit who stands in a special relationship to the Sun and to all Sun-impulses. This being the case, we shall realise what a profound significance his impulses must have for those who are especially exposed to them. In effect, his forces will work right into the physical organization. For Michael-men therefore (if we may use this term), we must connect the physical phenomena of health and illness with karma in an even higher degree than for Gabriel- or Raphael-men, or the like.
Things in the universe are very complicated; and although Raphael is the Spirit most intimately connected with the art of Healing, nevertheless it is Michael who brings the karma of men nearest of all to health and to disease." -Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships, Karmic Relationships III, GA 237, 9. The Michaelites: Their Karmic Impulse Towards The Spiritual Life, The Working of Ahriman into the Once Cosmic and Now Personal Intelligence
(15) "An especially important event took place on the astral plane in November 1879. Since then esoteric life has taken on a quite different direction. The esoteric stream that lived in mankind since the 14th century was replaced by a new one. Previously all occult life took place very quietly and hidden from the outer world under the direction of the archangel Gabriel (“annunciation”).
Something quite similar to a birth took place on the astral plane in 1879. What had slowly ripened since the 14th century could now be carried into the world in a freer way, even though only for a few people. For Gabriel's rule was followed by that of the archangel Michael. He's the radiant sun that lets esoteric wisdom shine out into a small host of people. Materialism is included in the divine plan of creation and it has a purpose in the whole world. But the time has now come for the esoteric sun to shine brightly under Michael's radiant direction. For materialism's dark forces are increasing." -Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Lessons I, GA 266, Number 25, München, 12-5-'07,
(16) "What would the earth be without the sun? The sun surrounds earth with warmth and light. But we have to consider the activity of such a heavenly body on another, non-materialistic level. This sun is not only a physical body floating in space, it is inhabited by spiritual beings. In each ray of sunshine is not only physical light, but also spiritual activity streams to us.
There are high beings who live in the light and warmth of the sun and who work into the earth from there, flooding us with light and warmth. -Rudolf Steiner – GA 108 – The Way of Knowledge – Pforzheim, 17 January 1909,
(17) "Michael is filled with the striving—working through his example in perfect freedom—to embody in human cosmic evolution the relation to the Cosmos which is still preserved in man himself from the ages when the Divine Being and the Divine Manifestation held sway. In this way, all that is said by the modern view of Nature—relating as it does purely to the image, purely to the form of the Divine—will merge into a higher, spiritual view of Nature." -Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts,